Added language selection in the settings. Fixed globan unban sometimes not unbanning the player's IP on all servers. Fixed multiple Discord ban notifications. This will not change the next execution date and time that was already planned. Added new button on scheduled commands to execute the command now. When creating a scheduled command of type 'Once' and passing a time > current time, the command is scheduled to be executed the next day at the given time instead of giving an error. Updated 'Once' scheduled commands type. Added search bar in the oxide permissions manager to search for players in groups. Updated plugins updates check to make it faster. Rustadmin is now compatible with, , sign and chaoscode.io. Added current oxide version and automatic oxide update check in the Plugins list tab.

Rustadmin is now compatible with myvector.xyz. The notification ensures that the ban/unban operation has been taken into account by your server. Added notifications system on user banned/unbanned. Added new setting to customize the Discord notifications logo.

Fixed scheduled commands not properly rescheduled when the execution date occurs when Rustadmin is disconnected from the server or the command is disabled. Huge thanks to Middel for his great work! - Fixed multiple issues with missing/bugged translations. Huge thanks to TheNakedGoddess for her great work! The syntax is the same as for triggered commands. Added the possibility to use ::postwebhook in the players custom context menus. Huge thanks to Züzuroth for his great work! - Added IP range bans. Fixed Oxide permissions manager not loading when group names contain these characters: Huge thanks to ELCHIMENEAS for his great work! Added new setting for custom context menus to let you specify if Rustadmin should as for a confirmation before executing a command. The permissions manager is not yet compatible. Only the plugins list is supported for now. Fixed Oxide plugins hook times always 0. Huge thanks to Punisher for his great work! - Fixed players contextual menu sometimes not showing up on touch devices. Fixed chat history sometimes not loading/preloading when there are no recent chats recorded. The truncated lines can be clicked to show their non truncated version. Added truncated lines notion in consoles to increase the readability. Added the possibility to reorder the custom contextual user menus. Huge thanks to Miho for his great work! - Added new triggered commands 'On PVP Event' and 'On PVE Event'.